Sung The Chuan - Ready to Fight for Meager Profits

Sung The Chuan
Ready to Fight for Meager Profits
Through Innovation and Environmental Protection
Sung The Chuan Trade Enterprise Co., Ltd. has started off its business in the fastener industry for over 3 decades. Its main product is a special star shaped nut, which is applicable to indoor fitness equipment, medical appliances, critical automotive components, stainless steel consumables, housewares, furniture, lighting, babycare products, outdoor products, and door knobs. The nut can form a T-shaped connection with a screw between two pipes. It can also be used with other products together.
It can be used as the complementary part of any customer’s product and help achieve less outsourced processing in production and quality control procedures, which is cost and time saving to companies. Regarding labors and materials, Sung The Chuan shows incredible strength in competition and brings a great deal of help and convenience to customers, creating a bilaterally benefiting situation in the era of meager profits.
For environmental protection, steel and surface treatment it uses in a manufacturing process are all environmentally friendly, which is a contribution to the sustainability of the Earth as well as a level equivalent to global counterparts.