【2016 Fastener World Editorial Calendar】3 Ways to Upgrade Your Company Marketing

Let go of stereotypes and join us!
For years we have been in contact with many clients, who are less willing to take part in our interviews and feature columns due to existing stereotypes toward media marketing. We usually hear something like “Industry press again! They’re just here for money” or “Interview? … What are you going to dig from us this time?” But actually, what we are doing is to provide you with multiple approaches to marketing your company in the easiest way. These approaches offering high quality content can guarantee clients included will get the most effective result.
Approach 1. News from Your Company
For us, news means new updates, so please submit the most actual and new development within the industry. It can be corporate development and changes, personnel transfer, R&D of products, acquisition of patents, exhibiting plans, etc.
Is writing a press release difficult to you? Don’t worry about the wording. Just give us info on the industrial development (within 800 words) and avoid self-evident descriptions as much as possible. Such statements are best suited with using quotes from the spokesperson of your company. Our professional team is glad to put a little editorial magic on the interesting stories. Any untruthful statement will be subject to deletion.
We welcome article submission through e-mail. Please send your article with contact info to design@fastener-world.com.tw (editorial department).
Approach 2. Your Discovery in the Fastener Market Trend
We are looking for neutral and authoritative articles on technology or market trends. We are interested in any information on fasteners, hardware, hand tools, components, and other related sectors. If you have an exclusive point of view on industry trend and technical development that requires your time to analyze and compose, welcome to first e-mail us a brief gist including the following information:
- Short abstract
- Brief layout or structure of the article
- Necessary graphs or tables
- Name, job title, company name, author background. (We also accept anonymous articles)
Approach 3. Special Features
If you are eager for public awareness but cannot write a press release by yourself, just pick up our Annual Editorial Plan, select your best-suited special feature(s), and call or e-mail to our sales contacts (department) for further detail and assistance. All you need to do is to trust our profession and let us guide you through interview to final publication, saving your strength.
* Companies interested in certain features are welcome to contact us immediately for joining.
* All features may be subject to change.
Updated: 03/18/2016
