Lu Chu Shin Yee Celebrates 50th Anniversary

With a Gala Night for All Guests and Staff
by Tanya Shih, Fastener World
Lu Chu Shin Yee Works Co., Ltd., the first Taiwanese cold forged stainless steel nut maker, has been 50 years old. Celebration for the 50th anniversary was then held on Dec. 2-3, 2014. President D.B.Tsai and general manager J.C. Karl Tsai prepared a feast at the banquet hall of Kaohsiung-based Ambassador Hotel in the first day of the two-day event for nearly 250 global partners from the U.S., Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Spain, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Philippines, China, and Taiwan.
In the second day, a golf outing and a one-day city tour in Kaohsiung were also given with participation of its global buyers and Taiwanese partners. After the golf outing, a dinner party was held at Lu Chu Shin Yee and was attended by 3000 local/foreign buyers, industry partners, all staff, and even retired staff. The climax in the dinner party was the “Prize of Best Contribution” awarded to employees having been working in Lu Chu Shin Yee for over 30 years. It was a quite enjoyable day for all attendants.
The history of Taiwanese fastener industry is not as long as those of its European and U.S. competitors. Reviewing the development of Lu Chu Shin Yee founded in 1965 is like reviewing the history of Taiwanese fastener industry. Lu Chu Shin Yee started its business as a fastener distributor and a manufacturer of carbon steel fasteners. In 1977, the company set up the first cold forged stainless steel fastener plant. General manager J.C. Karl Tsai pointed out that stainless steel screws and nuts Lu Chu Shin Yee created at that time were high-end products with high profit, as “making a screw or nut could generate similar return from selling two standard screws or nuts.”” With 50 years of history, the company has not only signed long term OEM agreements with leading carmakers like Mercedes-Benz and Porsche, but also has a long-term supply contract with Star Stainless Screw Co., the top U.S. stainless steel fastener distributor. Currently it exports products to over 40 countries/regions like Europe, the U.S., Brazil, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, and etc.
