Taiwanese Fastener Export Peaks in 2014

Taiwanese fastener export climbed to a new high record in 2014. According to statistics, the total export volume reached 1.5252 million tons, with an annual growth of 9.31% and the cumulative sales reached USD 4.252 billion (approx. 133.938 billion), with an annual growth of 10.12%, both breaking the records in history. UK, Germany, Netherlands, Japan, and USA are the top 5 export destinations of Taiwanese fasteners. Except for a slight decline in Japan, other countries all showed growth, especially UK with a growth rate of 23.98%, followed by Germany (11.29%) and USA (9.31%).
Analysts said that main reasons of the growth in Taiwanese fastener export last year was not only due to the recovering U.S. market, but also due to the substantial growth in the market demand of Europe, including a 15% growth in Italy, 24% in Poland, 27% in both France and Sweden, 25% in Spain, and a substantial growth of 40% in Belgium.