Yeswin Machinery- The Defender of High Quality Forming Machines --- Fastener Fair Mumbai, India 2015: C91

Precision, Stability, Customization, Brand Trust
Yeswin Machinery- The Defender of High Quality Forming Machines
by Tanya Shih, Fastener World Inc.
Yeswin Machinery Co., Ltd. specializes in fabrication of 3- and 4- station bolt forming machines and 5- to 7- station special parts forming machines. With president Chi-Li Chu’s principles—friendship, quality, service, and credibility—the team of Yeswin builds forming machines with ease of use, high quality and stability to win customers’ confidence.
Customization Service Fits Market Demands
~Friendship, Quality, Service, and Credibility~
Although the history of Yeswin is not as long as those of the centennial European/U.S. old brands, its high quality is trusted very much by a wide range of customers. Its customers even include those big manufacturers from Germany, which signifies the outstanding performance of Yeswin’s machines. The sales division of fastener forming machines commented, “Stable quality is the fundamental element for us to gain long term trust from customers.” Yeswin is definitely true to this belief and never shows compromise on the quality of machines.
In addition, good machines that help customers accumulate their fortunes can establish the reputation of Yeswin, which will become more shiny if it continues to grow with customers’ demands. Yeswin is not only offering customization service to customers in various countries, but also is building facilities to fit with customers’ demands for diverse operations.
Servo Adjustment Widely Favored by European/U.S. Customers
The more customization service Yeswin can provide, the more significant its techniques and highly engineered quality can be revealed. “servo adjustment” and “adjustable PKO” are the favorite of European/U.S. customers. The sales division of forming machines said, “Any device can be meaningful. Investing NTD millions in high quality facilities with optional high-end peripheral equipment that can advance sophistication and performance of machines is absolutely worthwhile.”
Models of best-selling machines in India: YBF-10B/ YBF-13B/ YBF-17B/ YBF-19B/ YBF-24B
Yeswin will exhibit in Fastener Fair India that will take place in April 2015. How does Yeswin view the Indian market? A representative of Yeswin said, “Each market is independent and separate, so Fastener Fair India and Fastener Fair Stuttgart are not comparable in an one-sided perspective. However, the hosting of an exhibition is a good indicator of evaluating the maturity of a market and this also reveals the good results Indian fastener industry has achieved over the past years. With the booming development of Indian industries, if Yeswin can tap into the market as soon as possible and build up its reputation, the sales of multi-station forming machines will be promising.”
Fastener Fair Mumbai, India 2015
Stand no.: C91
Exhibiting rep: Ms. Joan Cheng
