Mexico Confirms to Extend AD Tax on China's Steel Nail

Mexico's economy ministry announced the result of a sunset review that the country will extend the anti-dumping tax (USD 0.54/kg) on China's steel nail (under tariff item 7317.00.99) for another 5 years.
Back on Nov. 29 2004 the ministry announced the country would impose an AD tax at USD 0.5/kg on China's steel nail (length 3/4 in. to 4 in., including all head diameters and head shape). On Nov. 26 2009 the ministry did a sunset review on China's steel nail in response to the request from Mexican companies, and announced on May 16 2011 that the country would extend the tax on the said products for another 5 years starting Nov. 30 2009 while changing the tax rate to USD 0.54/kg.
On Nov. 27 2014 the ministry did a sunset review again on China's steel nail in response to the request from Mexican companies. The investigation spanned from July 1 2013 to March 30 2014, and the period of analysis spanned from Jan. 1 2010 to June 30 2014. On Nov. 10 2015 the ministry announced it would extend the tax (USD 0.54/kg) on the said product for another 5 years starting from Nov. 30 2014. The tax rate took effect on the next day of the announcement (Nov. 11 2015).
Please refrain from any involvement with the said suspected products and related act of circumvention to keep your products away from Mexico's investigation.
