Economic & Trade Cooperation between Taiwan and New Zealand, Benefits Keep Increasing.

Agreement between New Zealand and the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu on Economic Cooperation (ANZTEC) was signed in July, 2013 and started to enter into force in the end of the same year. It was the first time for Taiwan to signed economic cooperation agreement with a OECD member. The major part of the agreement is to eliminate the tariffs of both side. Thanks to the agreement, the tariffs has decreased gradually and the export sales keep growing for both countries in the past three years. From January, 2017, the Taiwanese products exported to New Zealand are 100% tax free, and as for New Zealand’s goods, they enjoy 99% tax free.
there’s adavantafe of Taiwan’s industrial product. Of all products that sold to New Zealand, since the agreement come into force, the most sell- growing product is Bicycle. In 2016, it grew by 50%, with the revenue of 39 million NZD; the second largest growing product is computer, it grew by 17% and totaled 33 million NZD in the same period. As for the third largest growing goods are fasteners and bolts which grew by 44% and totaled 27 million NZD.