Visitors Number Increased, Fastener Fair Stuttgart 2017 Ends with More Successful Results

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by Michelle Hsieh, Fastener World
The 7th biennial Fastener Fair Stuttgart has taken place in halls 1, 3 and 5 at the Stuttgart Exhibition Grounds in Germany during March 28th to 30th. For the fastener industry, it was definitely a must-attend international and world’s largest fastener fair in 2017. The exhibition floorplan spanned the area of up to 25,000 m2, with 894 exhibitors from 46 countries. Among all, the host country- Germany had the largest group of exhibitors, with 174 companies in attendance; Taiwan was the biggest group of foreign exhibitors, with 165 exhibitors at the fair; 143 from China and 126 from Italy, which were in the third and fourth place, respectively. The other main exhibitor groups came from India, Turkey, the UK and Spain.
According to the organizers, fasteners are of fundamental use for many industries. The visitors in the fair came from all professional walks of life, including automotive, construction, furniture, aerospace, national defense, medical and energy, making the fair an excellent communicating platform for different industries. Fastener Fair Stuttgart not just helps the related industries expand business to the European market, but is also a place gathering buyers and exhibitors from all over the world and different industrial areas under one roof. The fair offers any fastening products you can imagine. If anyone has any related demand for fasteners, they can absolutely find their most suitable partners in this fair.
According to Fastener World’s correspondent on-site, the first significant inflow of visitors coming to the exhibition grounds happened in the afternoon of the first day. The venue was again soon crowded with visitors swarming into the fair on the second and the third days. The exhibitors all said that the number of visitors was on a significant rise in comparison with Fastener Fair Stuttgart 2015. The visitors were mainly professional buyers who came to search for their ideal suppliers and they were mostly from the EU countries, the host country- Germany, Turkey and the UK. Taiwanese exhibitors mentioned that, in addition to their existing customers, they also met some new buyers during the fair.