BTM Manufacturing Announces Rick Rudolph Associates LLC as Rep

BTM Manufacturing is proud to announce Massachusetts-based Rick Rudolph Associates LLC as a representative for BTM.
As a leading provider of Manufacturer’s Sales Representative services, Rick Rudolph Associates takes pride in offering personalized face-to-face representation, calling on quality fastener and industrial distributors in New England. Rick Rudolph Associates are dedicated to serving the needs of customers each and every day.
With over 45 years of industrial sales experience in the New England territory, Rick Rudolph serves as the past President, Vice President and Chairman of the New England Fastener Distributor’s Association (NEFDA). Rudolph was one of the first inductees into the New England Fastener Distributor’s Hall of Fame. He served three years as the NEFDA liaison to the Fastener Industry Coalition. Rick’s partner, Morgan Rudolph, C.F.S., is currently the Vice-President of the Board of Directors of the New England Fastener Distributor’s Association. Morgan is designated by the IFI & the Fastener Training Institute as a Certified Fastener Specialist.
