KINEFAC®: 55 Years Excellence in Metal Forming Systems

KINEFAC is a world leader in the development of metal forming machines, dies, and systems for the precision threaded fastener and leadscrew industries. For over 55 years it has provided highly engineered fastener manufacturing solutions with the most sophisticated process control systems available. CNC cylindrical die thread rolling machines, end-forming machines, turning machines, fillet rolling machines, and radial forming machines are among the versatile machine tools that Kinefac produces for the global fastener market. It provides solutions which can transform raw material from coil stock into finished and highly precise 3A-class threaded fasteners using its customized forming dies and tooling. Specialized infeed rolling systems can achieve production rates at up to 60 parts per minute.
The precision threaded fastener industry has brought on the demand for increasingly sophisticated cold forming machine tools. Precision, repeatability, and control are the name of the game when it comes to stringent dimensional and quality requirements on expensive specialized fasteners. KINEFAC has developed a unique line of CNC “PowerBox” cylindrical die thread and form rolling machinery with vertical and horizontal rolling axis and capacities up to 330 TONS. It has incorporated a level of unsurpassed sophistication and user-friendly machine tool control and monitoring systems. Features such as auto-assist die matching, variable die penetration rates, automatic re-roll cycles, and programmable work revolutions save time, setup headache, and expensive setup blanks. With storage memory for over 500 individual part programs, your frequent change-overs and setup requirements become streamlined at the touch of a few program re-call buttons. Its 25 TON capacity MC-15 Kine-Roller offered with CNC servo-electric die rotation and servo-hydraulic and electric die positioning is one of its most popular models for forming threads in exotic and standard alloys for both infeed and through feed rolling of fasteners and leadscrews up to the 1” diameter range.
The KINEFAC engineering and applications team is currently focusing on new techniques for further enhancing the user experience and production setup efficiency when it comes to thread rolling highly specialized fasteners in exotic alloys such as Titanium and Inconel demanding the best quality. Some of the latest features in patent pending development include servo-controlled blade rolling systems which reduce rolling pressure on the thread crests, automatic die matching which does not require costly setup blanks, and servo-positioned die skew angle for precision through feed rolling setups.
KINEFAC has adapted to ever changing markets throughout its multi-decade history. One of the most important keys to surviving and advancing is constant innovation and reinvention of products and technology. The fastener industry is moving closer and closer to the lot size of one concept and on-demand customization of manufacturing environments. The age of intelligent machinery with inter-communication on the manufacturing floor is rapidly coming to realization. Flexible manufacturing systems will be a big part of the future of the machine tool industry. Since fasteners are found in nearly every device on earth in one form or another, the machine tools and manufacturing systems responsible for producing them will likely be at the forefront of these flexible and intelligent production systems. KINEFAC is geared up and ready to tackle the challenges that lie ahead in an ever-evolving economy.
