EFDA Brings Them Together in Rotterdam

EFDA press release
One hundred and twenty delegates and international guests attended the Sixth Triennial EFDA Conference at the stylish Mainport Hotel on the banks of the River Maas. The event clearly demonstrated the membership growth, increasing relevance and expanding global reach of EFDA.
President, Dr Volker Lederer, welcomed delegates from EFDA’s constituent national associations and, especially, honoured guests representing fastener industry associations in China, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan, the United States as well as Europe.
The first keynote speaker was Mr Wolfgang Mueller, from DG Trade, European Commission, who spoke in detail on EU-USA trade relationships, the WTO, and the modernisation of EU Trade Defence Instruments. Mr Ronald Roosdorp, from the Netherland Ministry of Foreign Affairs, also addressed trade issues and challenges - with a distinctively Dutch perspective. Dr Bart Kuipers, of the Erasmus University, concluded the session with a fascinating insight to the Port of Rotterdam, its history, extraordinary scale and throughput before outlining some of the challenges it faced for the future.
As is customary, the conference was addressed by the president of the EIFI, Mr Anders Karlsson - always a welcome and thought-provoking speaker.
The afternoon concluded with a new Discussion Forum, featuring all of the international associations and moderated by Fastener + Fixing Executive Editor, Phil Matten. It brought together a truly diverse range of global perspectives on the implications for the fastener industry of raw material trends, global economic conditions, protectionism, developments in vehicle powertrains and the challenges of recruiting talented young professionals.
An evening of relaxed, international networking, opened with a cocktail hour hosted by NEVIB, whose president, and a proud citizen of Rotterdam, welcomed delegates again. For the gala dinner, culinary delights were presented against the backdrop of the Rotterdam evening skyline, seen from the hotel’s sixteenth floor.
EFDA wishes to express its particularly appreciation to NEVIB for hosting the Conference and also the international guests who travelled to Rotterdam to contribute so generously.
Lederer Re-elected as EFDA President
During the EFDA Triennial Conference in Rotterdam, Dr Volker Lederer, managing director of Lederer GmbH and board member of the FDS was re-elected as EFDA president for a further two-year term. Gian Marco Dalpane, president of the Union of Italian Fastener Distributors, was elected as vice-president.
Dr Lederer has served as EFDA president since 2012. His unanimous re-election, by delegates from the national associations plus MEFDA that make up the European Fastener Distributor Association, was proposed by Robert Klassen of NEVIB and Ian Doherty of the BIAFD - both of whom emphasised the exemplary role Volker Lederer has played in leading EFDA.
Gian Marco Dalpane is the owner of the Bulloneria Emiliana and Sappino companies and has been president of the Union of Italian Fastener Distributors (UDIB) since December 2012, an organisation in which he has participated for more than twenty years. During his office he has actively represented and promoted UDIB and EFDA at major fastener events around the world. Under his presidency UDIB has strengthened its role in its domestic market and seen a growth in membership. Dr Florian Seidl of the FDS nominated Mr Dalpane who was also elected unanimously. Mr Dalpane thanked delegates for investing their confidence in him and committed to fulfilling his responsibilities in representing EFDA with dedication and integrity.
