Specialized Iron Nail Manufacture Satisfying Needs for Multiple Materials & Customization -- Zon Mon Co., Ltd.

Founded in 2000, Zon Mon is a professional maker of bulk iron nails in Dashe District of Kaohsiung City (Southern Taiwan). Its product line contains 5 categories including construction nails, outdoor construction nails, drywall nails, roofing and siding nails, and other nail products, such as courtyard/deck nails, spike nails and duplex nails.
Providing Multiple Materials and Customized Heat Treatment
Zon Mon’s nails are available in many types of materials such as stainless steel, aluminum, 1008, 1006, and 1045. Sizes range from 1.2mm to 9.5mm in diameter, and lengths range from 13mm to 305mm. Besides the above standard products, the company offers customized service conducting many types of heat treatment on nails for clients. President Mr. Wei-Da Yuan said, “We can provide up to 18 color types of paint according to clients’ demand. We have long-time collaborative suppliers offering galvanization, nickel plating, copper plating and other nail-related heat treatments. In this way, we can respond to clients’ special demand and offer them premium and effective service.” Zon Mon can supply clients more than a hundred types of iron nails in total. The comprehensive range of nail products allows for one-stop purchase by clients.
Capacity up by 2.5 Times
Penetrating the Global Market with High Quality
Zon Mon was certified to ISO 9001: 2015 in August 2016. During the whole manufacturing process, from inbound materials check, pre-production module and machine adjustment, to monitoring production in every two hours, pre-shipment inspection, polishing, post-polish check, packaging and finally shipment, the company sticks to the ISO regulations. Through stringent quality control and years of know-how of the production/polish/packaging technicians, the company monitors every piece of outgoing nail for clients. With the president’s leadership, Zon Mon’s nail capacity has grown 2.5 times from 200 tons to 700 tons in the past 16 years.
Besides servicing a small amount of domestic demand, the company puts its business focus on overseas sales. The U.S. market takes up the largest proportion of Zon Mon’s overseas sales, which means the company is taking orders mostly from the U.S. However, the company is not just eyeing the American market, but is also actively promoting products to the whole world. As the president said, “We offer premium quality nails to clients in need from any country and every corner of the world as long as we can meet their demand. ” Zon Mon will continue to follow the guideline of “Client & Quality First” and continue to work hard and innovate for clients!
Zon Mon’s contact: Ms. Wei-Yu Lien E-mail: a530811@ms27.hinet.net
