Review of Expo Nacional Ferretera 2018

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by Finnick Wu, Fastener World
The 30th edition of Expo Nacional Ferretera took place September 6-8 in Guadalajara, the 2nd largest city of Mexico. This Expo is the largest hardware show in Latin America and showcases a large variety of exhibits every year. More than 1,200 exhibitors participated in the show this year and showcased the latest products and service for screws, hardware, hand tools, industrial parts, etc. Several manufacturers, distributors, traders, importers and exporters from Latin America, Europe and Asia were also present. In addition to the main exhibition, the organizers also held a series of seminars and invited many professionals to make their presentations and discuss the latest technology and trends with the guests in attendance.
According to Fastener World’s correspondent, most exhibitors were from local Mexico, however, there were still exhibitors from other countries and Taiwan (Sheh Kai Precision and Everwin Pneumatic, for example). In terms of visitors of the Expo, many importers and distributors also came to purchase. The 3-day event was very vibrant.
Fastener World’s representative on-site also exchanged intelligence and opinions on the current local market situations with many leading distributors, and disseminated many copies of Fastener World’s publications (e.g. Fastener World Magazine, China Fastener World Magazine, Hardware & Fastener Components Magazine, Emerging Fastener Markets Magazine) to visiting buyers, who could use them as references in future product sourcing. Some companies on-site told Fastener World’s correspondent, “The Expo is one of the main approaches to tapping into Latin American market. For local companies, they can also take this opportunity to develop markets in N. America and neighboring countries. In addition, as car manufacturing and relevant industries as well as FDIs in Mexico continue to grow, the demand for relevant products and service remain tremendous.”
According to the organizers, the 31th edition of Expo Nacional Ferretera will take place Sep. 05-07, 2019 at Expo Guadalajara.
For more info about global hardware, hand tools and fastener shows as well as suggestions about marketing and exhibiting, please contact Fastener World’s specialist for exhibitions, Ms. Tina Chen at foreign@fastener-World.com.tw)