Japanese Nitto Seiko Opens 2nd Plant of the Indonesia Subsidiary to Expand Local Automotive Sales

Nitto Seiko invested IDR 700 million and opened the Indonesia subsidiary "NAI" with 30 emplyees in 1985. As the Indonesian economy had a stable growth in the past few years, NAI posted robust sales growth. Afterwards, Nitto Seiko announced it took over the fastener business of PT. Isogai Indonesia and started partial production while finishing up the factory interiors. Then in this September, Nitto Seiko held an opening ceremony for the new factory. The president of Nitto Seiko said in the ceremony, "Today NAI has well over 300 employees and beocmes a role model for other overseas subsidiaries." NAI targets the automotive industry and will expand local sales in Bekasi by supplying special cold forged pressed parts and bolts.