Taiwan Fastener Export in First 11 Months Reaches New High at US$ 4.4 Billion

As of the end of November, Taiwan’s fastener export value in the first 11 months of 2018 reached a new high at over US$4.4 billion.
According to the statistics of Taiwan Industrial Fasteners Institute (TIFI), Taiwan exported 131,354 tons of fasteners in November, down 8.09% from October (also down 0.98% from the same period last year). In the first 11 months of 2018, Taiwan exported more than 1.53 million tons of fasteners to the world, up 5.14% from the same period last year.
The average price of Taiwan’s fastener export in November was US$2.888 per KG, down 0.05% from this October but up 2.39% from the same period last year. The average export price in the first 11 months was US$2.881 per KG, up 7.53% from the same period last year.
According to TIFI, from January through November the total value of Taiwan’s fastener export reached more than US$ 4.4 billion, a surge of 13.05% from the same period last year, which means the total value of Taiwan’s fastener export in the first 11 months has exceeded the record last year and has reached new high for two consecutive years. It is expected that Taiwan’s fastener export is very likely to reach new high again in both export volume and export value.
