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NORMA Group AG Generates Record-Level sales and earnings

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NORMA Group AG continues its growth path after a successful IPO in April 2011, with the company increasing its sales considerably by 28.3% to 296 million euros (H1 2010: 231 million euros) for the first half of 2011.

The company reports that 19.9% of this came from organic growth, with acquisitions accounting for 9.7%. NORMA Group’s adjusted operating earnings (adjusted EBITA) rose to 54 million euros, an increase of 28.1% over the 42 million euros achieved in the first half of 2010. The adjusted EBITA margin came to 18.2% in the first half of 2011, on a par with the first half of the previous year.

“We are extremely satisfied with the development of business. Our outstanding performance in the first half of 2011 confirms that our growth strategy is working and reinforces our leading position in the global market for high-quality joining technology,” said Werner Deggim, CEO of NORMA Group.

In a positive business environment, demand for NORMA Group’s engineered joining technology and system solutions was high across all of its customer segments and regions in the first six months of the year.

NORMA Group acquired new customers and orders for newly developed products and improved its sales in its three regional reporting segments – EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa), the Americas and Asia-Pacific. The first half of 2011 also saw the company expand its production capacities with new centres in Thailand and Serbia.

“By opening new production facilities we are expanding our global network and strengthening NORMA Group’s presence in the emerging markets. Our decentralised structure gives us excellent proximity and access to our customers,” added Deggim.

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reference from Fastener & Fixings / arranged by Fastener World Inc.
