The Advantages of Using Blind Rivets

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As designers move to more compact, lightweight products with reduced metal thickness and greater use of plastics, design engineers are faced with difficult choices in selecting fasteners to effectively secure components. Blind rivets may be one of the viable choices.
Here are some typical questions asked about blind rivets.
Q: Can blind rivets be used with painted metal stock or where surface finish cannot be damaged or marked?
A: Blind rivets do not need a rotating motion. Therefore, surface marking cannot take place. The blind rivet installation tool does not contact the surface of the work at any time during the setting of the blind rivet.
Q: Can the threat of cracking or tearing of plastic parts be eliminated?
A: Blind riveting permits flexibility in the forces used to set the blind rivet. Mandrel tensile strength can be engineered to suit the strength of the material to be joined. Predictable mandrel tensile strength ensures repeatable secured joint assembling with no additional operator training.