瑞滬企業股份有限公司創立於2000年4月,在線材與五金類產品中,係為一專業生產的製造商及出口商。 於2001年通過SGS ISO9001:2000年版國際品保認證合格,本著「品質至上、熱心服務、持續改善」的品質政策,實施制度化,標準化作業,以優良之產品呈獻給客戶,並落實「品質、交期、服務」之完善服務,而深受客戶的信賴與同業好評。 近年更陸續於2008年通過 ISO/TS 16949:2001認證,於2009年通過 ISO 14001:2004 認證,2010年起更進一步申請CE認證,逐步升級中,也顯示對客戶市場需求上之重視。
Ray Fu was founded in 1999 mainly dealing with sales of fasteners. It’s based in Kaohsiung City in Taiwan and a subsidiary company to Chen Nan, the wire processing company.
We are the successful manufacturer and exporter for all kind of fasteners (screws, bolts, nuts, washers and steel/iron wires). Now, we have the facilities, including Wire Drawing Machine, Spheriodizing Annealing Furnace, Pickling Line,and Screw Factory.
Our products are well exported to Europe, America, Asia Pacific and other areas. Chen Nan/ Ray Fu have achieved ISO 9001:2008, ISO/TS16949, TAF(CNLA) Certification recognizing that the company's quality system meet the international standards....